Charles Betz
Composer, lyricist, arranger, writer
Telling stories with music,
in a universe of simultaneous time
Seeking collaborators for musical theater projects
​​February 2024 : It's definite, I am premiering another work with Crescendo Community Chorus on May 15, working title "River Song." This concert is in partnership with Friends of the Mississippi River, headed by my good friend Whitney Clark.
​November 2024 : Posted my first song from Five Minutes On The Low Road, here. Need to get a full site together for this one. It's time.
​October 2024 #2: I've been admitted to the Nautilus Composer-Librettist Studio. Big honor, didn't want to say anything until the decision. I'll be in an intensive workshop-like setting from 11/9-24, developing material for various prompts crafted by the educational team. Thanks to all who have supported me thus far!
October 2024: Just was informed that First Presbyterian Church in Evanston will be performing Wild and Precious in honor of Kay Sugiura, who sung in their choir for many years. Their music director said, "Your work will minister deeply not only to our choir, but to our congregation, and we're so grateful for the opportunity to share it in memory of Kay." This is a nice vote of confidence in the piece. They inform me:
We're planning to sing your beautiful piece as the Prelude for the service on Nov 3 @ 9:25 am (CST) - it will stream to a link on our website firstpresevanston.org
In other news, I have nearly completed the music for the first act of Five Minutes on the Low Road. Due to very badly timed Covid I was unable to attend the IANDS conference in Phoenix, which was disappointing but has not delayed my progress.
July 2024: Had a reading of my book for Five Minutes On The Low Road, with some great LA-based actors, as part of the "From Outline to Draft" NMI course with the esteemed John Sparks. Definitely pointed up some issues, but overall very supportive.
I'll be going to the International Association for Near-Death Studies annual gathering, in Phoenix in late August, for field research.
April 2024: looking for director, playwright, and actor-singers for musical about a woman who has a near-death experience, and the consequences of that. Interest in New Age spirituality a strong plus. Read more...
February 2024: looking forward to my March 7 premiere of "Wild and Precious," to be performed by choir and orchestra.
Moved my website from archaic TypePad to Wix, and not looking back! Everything just works.
Last fall I was asked to come back to the New Musicals program as a guest "ringer" composer to work with the new students. It's an honor, and a vote of confidence in my musical abilities.
I'm also working with a new partner, Peter Welkin on a couple of ideas: The Womanless Wedding, about a 1920s "ritual of inversion," and Refuge, exploring Duluth as a climate change sanctuary. Also directly working with NMI on my own musical, "Five Minutes on the Low Road," about a near-death experience.